Day 2
Pedal board adjusted for having a Deluxe.
Digital reverb removed and power reused for the Ricochet. Only to find that it is no longer working and won't accept a power supply. That can get returned as its less than a year old - I will use the EHX B9 for that effect tonight. Annoyingly that also means I will have to use the B9 on the recording tomorrow when I wanted a sub octave effect #firstworldproblems. (FYI our other guitarist purchased a TC Electronics Sub n Up and we used that with the B9. Extremely effective)
Keeley Katana Boost removed and ThorpyFX Chain Home utilised for boost function only.
Setting up the amp is very easy, one plug for the power and another for the footswitch. Having been used to a head and cab this is a delight!
If I had to go underneath often I would probably ask Victory for a slightly shallower top baffle as the access to the under panel is not easy and I can see me getting cross if I need to get under there a lot on a crowded stage. Fortunately the power switch is really obvious and all of the major controls are on the top panel which is labelled the correct way round for stage use.
The Bench test goes really well. I discover the delights of using a prototype and a quick call to Victory sets me on the right path for using the Tremolo. I only mention it here as a reminder this is a prototype and I am assured that Martin has already adjusted what needs to be done.
I will talk about the sound later once the gig is done. For now I am loving the slightly familiar tone and, after playing around for a bit, I land on my default setting of Voice 2 and Mid kick on. I will note that the added presence is lovely and it seems, if anything, even easier to dial in the pedals using my Gordon Smith GS 2.
One tiny point as I switch off: This amp is silent in operation; it is the quietest running thing ever. Its going to be stunning in the studio.
But first a gig...
Simon is a guitarist in Salisbury Classic Rock covers band Break Cover.
Break Cover website
Break Cover Facebook
Digital reverb removed and power reused for the Ricochet. Only to find that it is no longer working and won't accept a power supply. That can get returned as its less than a year old - I will use the EHX B9 for that effect tonight. Annoyingly that also means I will have to use the B9 on the recording tomorrow when I wanted a sub octave effect #firstworldproblems. (FYI our other guitarist purchased a TC Electronics Sub n Up and we used that with the B9. Extremely effective)
Keeley Katana Boost removed and ThorpyFX Chain Home utilised for boost function only.
Setting up the amp is very easy, one plug for the power and another for the footswitch. Having been used to a head and cab this is a delight!
If I had to go underneath often I would probably ask Victory for a slightly shallower top baffle as the access to the under panel is not easy and I can see me getting cross if I need to get under there a lot on a crowded stage. Fortunately the power switch is really obvious and all of the major controls are on the top panel which is labelled the correct way round for stage use.
The Bench test goes really well. I discover the delights of using a prototype and a quick call to Victory sets me on the right path for using the Tremolo. I only mention it here as a reminder this is a prototype and I am assured that Martin has already adjusted what needs to be done.
I will talk about the sound later once the gig is done. For now I am loving the slightly familiar tone and, after playing around for a bit, I land on my default setting of Voice 2 and Mid kick on. I will note that the added presence is lovely and it seems, if anything, even easier to dial in the pedals using my Gordon Smith GS 2.
One tiny point as I switch off: This amp is silent in operation; it is the quietest running thing ever. Its going to be stunning in the studio.
But first a gig...
Simon is a guitarist in Salisbury Classic Rock covers band Break Cover.
Break Cover website
Break Cover Facebook
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