Day 2 - Post Gig

One of my personal bug bears, learned from the Fender Hot Rod, is combos placed directly on the floor. There is a danger of all the sound pointing at your feet and you losing track of just how loud you are. I have fixed this with a sneaky second hand purchase of an amp stand. Much better!

The #1 feature that marks the Deluxe out is the additional presence. The amp, particularly at this angle, is really popping through the mix. My default setting of Voice 2 and Mid Kick on are definitely doing their thing. I play in a two guitar band so finding balance without falling over each other is our number one focus and the Deluxe does this easily.

I find the Deluxe cleaner than the V40. There is a marked 'blackface' feel to Voice 1 especially with added bass wound in. Voice 2 definitely has a little more edge but with the Volume turned down to give head room for pedals I'm finding 10 o'clock on the Deluxe is cleaner than the V40 head I normally use.

I notice a marked difference in bass spread between my 2 x 12 cab the 1 x 12 of the combo but that's to be expected.

Two generic things before I talk about the gig sound.

  • The reverb is lovely. It gets a bit mushy if you max it and then put a ThorpyFX Gunshot in front of it but that's to be expected. ANY other setting and it's lovely whether clean, crunchy or full on filthy.
  • The Tremolo is divine. If you like that old school swampy trem tone (CCR? Yes please) then you'll find a home here easily.

I took 3 guitars tonight so I'll discuss each for a fair spread.

PRS Standard 22 with #7 pickups. Nice clean sound and great ThorpyFX Peacekeeper crunch. Engaging the Gunshot gave too much fizz. I like a 'one solution that fits all' approach and I would prefer not to have to adjust pedal settings for different guitars but I think guitar and pedal selection is REALLY important with the Deluxe as it is exceptional at outputting what you put in. 

PRS Starla. Much less fizz. Massive clean and crunch and a really full punchy tone with the Gunshot.

Fender 2017 Standard Telecaster. Yes. This. Play this all the time. Job done. I said it on a post in the Victory Amp Owners Club Facebook group recently: there is magic which occurs when you introduce a Telecaster to a Duchess and on the Deluxe this seems to be even more true.

Because I've not had enough of a chance to match guitars with my pedals with the Deluxe, I've decided not to take it to the studio tomorrow. I am constrained by space and already want to take one 2 x12 cab plus both the Kraken and the Duchess and the easiest way to do that is with heads. I know what to expect with my V40 and the PRS 22 taught me there is too much I don't know about this amp yet. 

I will review the studio experience tomorrow as it's now going to be with my normal V40 Duchess Head and my normal VX Kraken Head.

Simon is a guitarist in Salisbury Classic Rock covers band Break Cover.
Break Cover website
Break Cover Facebook


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